Bruce S. McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (1)

Neuroscientist Bruce McEwen, who studied the impact of stress on the brain, has died 1/3/20 McEwen’s work has profound implications for public health, impacting conditions from normal aging to neurodegenerative disease, depression, and PTSD. Historical perspective on his life’s works: 1/1/20 Happy New Year! Unless you are a biologically uninformed theorist. See:Human sperm displays rapid Bruce S. McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (1)

Tai Chi vs PTSD and cancer

For God and Country

The link from energy medicine to Precision medicine is clear to all serious scientists Tai Chi Proves Beneficial for Veterans with PTSD Anything that is relatively simple and inexpensive to implement in at-risk populations is not likely to be accepted by most politicians. It would not be rejected by the CDC — if funding documentation Tai Chi vs PTSD and cancer

Epigenetic facts vs variable recombination theories

6/14/13 Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model ….the model represented here is consistent with what is known about the epigenetic effects of ecologically important nutrients and pheromones on the adaptively evolved behavior of species from microbes to man. Minimally, this model can be compared to any other factual representations of epigenesis and epistasis for determination of Epigenetic facts vs variable recombination theories