
The tipping point (revisited): 87K (3)

Testing for fluorescence and the cure for cancer

My NCBI » Saved Search Settings “What’s new for ‘microRNA’ in PubMed”(5/29/19) 170 new items were added to the indexed articles in one day for a total of 87,149 Co-circulation of genetically distinct highly pathogenic avian influenza A clade (H5N6) viruses in wild waterfowl and poultry in Europe and East Asia, 2017–18 (4/22/19) can The tipping point (revisited): 87K (3)

Nature vs Science and

Conclusion: The anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight links food energy directly from the innate immune system to all morphological and behavioral diversity. It all about energy. It’s all about the creation of enzymes. It’s all about the base pairs. Until the day that I launched, I had only one or two Facebook posts that Nature vs Science and

Evolutionary theories of epigenetic drift

Testing Two Evolutionary Theories of Human Aging with DNA Methylation Data My summary: Outside the context of food energy-dependent biophysically constrained pheromone-controlled viral latency, mutation accumulation (MA) and disposable soma (DS) provide possible explanations for the existence of human aging. For example, age-differentially-methylated sites across the genome showed significant MA-consistent increases in heritability with age Evolutionary theories of epigenetic drift

Host-derived creation of all pathology (2 of 2)

Summary: All serious scientists know that all epigenetic diversity is food energy-dependent and biophysically constrained by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction. See for comparison: Jay R. Feierman: “Variation is not nutrient availability and the something that is doing the selecting is not the individual organism. A feature of an educated person is to realize what Host-derived creation of all pathology (2 of 2)

Science journalists or paid propagandists? (4)

See first: Dobzhansky 1973 and precision medicine Prognostic value of the MicroRNA-29 family in multiple human cancers: A meta-analysis and systematic review   ….low expression of miR-29 is associated with aggressiveness and poor prognosis of malignant neoplasms. More importantly, miR-29 might serve as a key biomarker for predicting the recurrence and progression of human cancers. Feeding Science journalists or paid propagandists? (4)

Soil bacteria, bulls, cows, microRNAs, and mammary glands (2)

See also: Soil bacteria, bulls, cows, microRNAs, and mammary glands For comparison to everything known about how chemotaxis and phototaxis must be linked to supercoiled DNA via the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in the context of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance and RNA-mediated cell type differentiation, see: Spectral Tuning of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Rhodopsin: Soil bacteria, bulls, cows, microRNAs, and mammary glands (2)

Unified nutritional and molecular mechanisms

Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide Production Is Essential for Dietary Restriction Benefits Article image: Excerpt: “…unifying nutritional and molecular mechanisms remain elusive.” Reported as Molecular mechanism behind health benefits of dietary restriction identified Excerpt 1) “Dietary restriction is a type of intervention that can include reduced overall food intake, decreased consumption of particular macronutrients such as protein, Unified nutritional and molecular mechanisms

Eliminating correlations from evolutionary ecology

De novo creation of olfactory receptor genes clearly links food odors via amino acid substitutions to cell type differentiation in mosquitoes, and in nematodes, flies, honeybees, etc. It would be surprising if cause and effect did not extend to vertebrates from invertebrates. Indeed, Elekonich and Robinson (2000) linked our 1996 model of RNA-mediated cell type Eliminating correlations from evolutionary ecology

More than a bag of chemicals?

From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996) Excerpt: “Small intranuclear proteins also participate in generating alternative splicing techniques of pre-mRNA and, by this mechanism, contribute to sexual differentiation in at least two species, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans…” My comment: How far can this model of RNA-mediated cell type differentiation go? What links the model More than a bag of chemicals?