
Orchestrated death: Aeon

Movies and music play with our minds by bending time 10/25/17 Little is known about how the human brain processes time or how slow motion, time lapse and even music can alter our perception of how quickly it passes, changing our emotions and cognitive abilities. That is a lie. Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception became available Orchestrated death: Aeon

Color-linked climate change (1)

Ocean colour signature of climate change 2/4/19 Phytoplankton community structure, which strongly affects ocean optics, is likely to show one of the clearest and most rapid signatures of changes to the base of the marine ecosystem. Reported as: Much of the Surface Ocean Will Shift in Color by the End of the 21st Century The Color-linked climate change (1)

Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (8)

Summary: The role of vitamin C in the treatment of pain: new insights links what is known about the “superfood” Spirulina (blue-green algae), which is grown in marine and freshwater environments, to the stability of all organized genomes via its biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-diabetic, cholesterol-controlling and insulin resistance effects. The biological activities are Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (8)

Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (7)

See first: Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (6) Stems Cells in the Hypothalamus Slow Aging in Mice My comment to The Scientist Cai says microRNAs could be a potential mechanism by which hypothalamic neural stem cells have such wide-ranging effects on aging, yet he believes that neurogenesis may also be involved. See also: Feedback loops Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (7)

Thermotolerance and longevity (2)

See also: Thermotolerance and Longevity This article is part of the Research Topic Brain nutrient sensing in the control of energy balance: new insights and perspectives Excerpt: It is well established that nutrients act as signaling molecules in synergy with nervous and hormonal signals to inform the brain about the nutritional status of the body. Thermotolerance and longevity (2)

The miRNA/mRNA balance: a suboptimal strategy?

Cells exercise suboptimal strategy to survive Excerpt: “Learning the secrets of alternate molecular pathways could provide clues about how to use them to patients’ advantage, she said.” My comment: The same molecular pathways control the nutrient-dependent physiology of reproduction in all genera. They link RNA-directed DNA methylation to RNA-mediated cell type differentiation via fixation of The miRNA/mRNA balance: a suboptimal strategy?