
Natural Selection and the Complexity of the Genome

As an alternative to my model, one of the people involved in presenting the ENCODE data has said there are “random models” that may explain adaptive evolution across species. Does anyone know what he’s talking about? What “random model” helps to explain the species diversity that results from nutrient acquisition and the metabolism of nutrient chemicals to pheromones….

Envisioning, hindsight bias, plagiarism, or cheating

Has anyone else detailed the required bottom-up/top-down reciprocity of the adaptively evolved gene, cell, tissue, organ, organ system pathway, which is exemplified in the honeybee model organism I used to link the adaptive evolution of microbes to man?

Pheromones and multicellularity

…chemical signals akin to species-specific pheromones are responsible for the ligand-receptor binding that enables the progression to colony formation as a more effective means of nutrient acquisition.

Species specificity in gene expression in the brain

Chemical ecology is, of course, responsible for adaptive evolution via ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction (i.e., brain development). How could anything else but chemicals (nutrient chemicals and pheromones) be responsible for similarities and differences in cell types of the brain in different species?