C. elegans

Virus-driven sympatric speciation (2)

See first: Virus-driven sympatric speciation (1) See also: Profiling microRNAs through development of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus identifies nematode-specific miRNAs that suppress larval development 11/26/19 …these miRNAs suppress metabolic and transcription factor activity required for development. Those miRNAs link the diet-driven pheromone-controlled changes to sympatric speciation from C. elegans to the predator, P. pacificus and Virus-driven sympatric speciation (2)

Light-activated PTEN-dependent viral latency (2)

See first: Light-activated PTEN-dependent viral latency (1) 12/25/19 On 12/26/19, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory responded to my accurate representations of light-activated energy-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency with a report on Biophysical models of cis-regulation as interpretable neural networks 11/8/19 See: Finally, machine learning interprets gene regulation clearly 12/26/19 “…understanding how something like gene regulation works—is Light-activated PTEN-dependent viral latency (2)

The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Summary: Cell fate conversion is food energy-dependent and pheromone-controlled in the context of the physiology of reproduction and autophagy, which links biophysically constrained viral latency to the differences in C. elegans and P. pacificus, a predatory nematode with teeth. Application of RNAi and Heat-shock-induced Transcription Factor Expression to Reprogram Germ Cells to Neurons in C. elegans 1/01/2018 The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Life and death via chemical effects on photosynthesis

For God and Country

Summay: “…chemosignals are a promising approach both to modeling posttraumatic stress disorders in humans [36] and to searching for mehods of their treatment.” Serious scientists linked the sense of smell in bacteria from the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in all living genera to our visual perception of energy and mass in the context of the Life and death via chemical effects on photosynthesis

Tasting light links energy from creation to adaptation

The C. elegans Taste Receptor Homolog LITE-1 Is a Photoreceptor “In Brief: A taste receptor homolog absorbs UV light and mediates avoidance behavior in C. elegans in response to light exposure.” Excerpt: Light sensation is critical for all phyla of life, ranging from bacteria to humans (Wang and Montell, 2007; Yau and Hardie, 2009). Organisms have Tasting light links energy from creation to adaptation

Ricki Lewis’ Time Machine (4)

Variants near CHRNA3/5 and APOE have age- and sex-related effects on human lifespan Excerpt: The signal we observe is driven by rs429358, a non-synonymous Cys112Arg variant, which defines the ε4 allele and which has not previously been shown to be the causal variant influencing lifespan. See also: Gorilla Genome 2.0: Lessons for the Clinic? Excerpt: Ricki Lewis’ Time Machine (4)