
Biophotonically charged life (8)

Prebiotic synthesis of α-amino acids and orotate from α-ketoacids potentiates transition to extant metabolic pathways 7/28/22 Glyoxylate forms both glycine and orotate and reacts with malonate and urea to form aspartate and dihydroorotate. These results, along with the previously demonstrated protometabolic analogues of the Krebs cycle, suggest that there can be a natural emergence of Biophotonically charged life (8)

MicroRNA-mediated existential threats (7)

MicroRNA Signaling (22 Articles) established the links from MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20 to  MicroRNA Involvement in Signaling Pathways During Viral Infection 3/10/20. Ignorant and arrogant theorists responded to the facts with more ignorance and arrogance. A group of them published Cryptic and abundant marine viruses at the evolutionary origins of MicroRNA-mediated existential threats (7)

Photonics in Forensics (5)

Forensics: a laboratory or department responsible for tests used in detection of crime, especially the crimes committed by corrupt politicians. Crosstalk between codon optimality and cis-regulatory elements dictates mRNA stability 1/5/21 However, the strength of this mechanism during embryogenesis, as well as its relationship with other known regulatory elements, such as microRNA, remains unclear. God’s Photonics in Forensics (5)

The memory of oxygen (1)

Alternative splicing vs mutation-driven evolution

James V. Kohl @microRNApro 10/22/19 How many times have you claimed that alternative splicings of RNA do not make changes to DNA during the time that I have linked energy-dependent changes from angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera? Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems 4/18/18 Andrew Jones @aj170664 Replying to @microRNApro 10/22/19 The memory of oxygen (1)

Anti-entropic sunlight: Schrödinger’s Creationist Secret? (4)

Summary: Antagonists such as John Hewitt have exhausted my patience. Now see this: The authors invented the term “phosphate steering”  in an attempt to obfuscate what has been known to all serious scientists about oxidative phosphorylation for more than 50 years. See: “oxidative phosphorylation” microRNA  (105 entries); “oxidative phosphorylation” (21955 entries) and “phosphate steering” (1 Anti-entropic sunlight: Schrödinger’s Creationist Secret? (4)

Entertaining yourself to death

Lethal virus kills 5 billion people?

Summary: Food energy is required for the creation of enzymes that metabolize the food, which links the metabolism to the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans via alternative splicings of pre-mRNAs, which are now called microRNAs in more than 65,000 published works. The horrid tradjedy of of yet another preventable death Entertaining yourself to death